Monday, December 28, 2009

trapping a guy

I was listening to my friends and we all know how girls are. when we see something that we want we get it, and when "think" we have found that right one... well he is the right one b/c he has his own everything and security is important to us females... but nonetheless, that is not the point. the point is that we will do anything to trap a man into either moving into the next part of the relationship or we will try to trap him into marrying us, either way, those plans are set up to fail... we shouldn't have to trap someone or strike fear in them to be w/ us... Ladies that is dumb and childish we need to get to a point where we trust ourselves and we know who we are and if that man doesn't want you then that is his lost we need to stay this pity party for ourselves, and then we get mad when the marriage fails... Hello, its your fault. allow stuff to happen naturally don't force it.


This last week all of my friends, and people at church have been talking about New Years Resolutions, and to be honest I am one of those people that do not believe in them.. Why you ask, well think about everyone who makes them somehow finds themselves unhappy, or just stop doing what they said they would do for the new year. Saying your gonna loose weight in the new year is dumb... for one we should always try to stay healthy we don't need a reason to amp us up for it. Or saying I'm quiting drinking in the new years, what happens when your at a party and cant drink... Or my favorite I swear No more guys I'm laying off of them... and then you meet the sexiest Guy one the planet but you cant talk to him b/c you made up a stupid rule... So here is My thing, everyday I plan to work on loving me more and I know there are going to be days where I fall of the band wagon and somehow I will get back up. I will have more fun, and on the days I don't I will think of the days that I did. I will eat better and for the days that I cheat.. heck I will enjoy that piece of cake and pizza to the fullest.. we Only live once... I will learn to allow myself to want a relationship and if he doesn't come around well... then I can think of this time as a time of growth... I don't drink so that wont be an issue...Lol BUT we need to stop putting so much pressure on us being perfect and try being perfect in our own imperfections. And if you want something don't wait till the new year to do it make you your motivation and do it anytime.. whether it is right now or six months from now... lastly, remember what you want also wants you...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

my life

my life has slowed down a whole lot of these past few years, I remember 19 was the year that changed my life forever.. I am one of those girls that never really got to go out my mom was super crazy and didnt allow me to go out. so I started hanging out w/ one of my high school friends. we started going out all the time, and then we started going out to 21 and up clubs. I thought we were so cool. I thought that it was so fun. dancing, talking to guys... but somehow i lost myself in that world... I was no longer the sweet girl everyone knew, and I saw what people were talikg about.. I just wanted to fit in I was tired of being that girl that watches from the side line, I wanted to be on the active roster. So I did. first came the club, then came the boys next thing i knew I became those girls that I hated all my life. God I found myself in a mist of boy problems and I hate boy problems. Now looking back, and see how far I hace come I realized that, life is about growing not trying to fit in these boxes so we can be like everyone else. I know now that I am not the girls that like to be in the clubs, or drink or have many guys around me. I'm just simple me.. I rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I am not.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

girls in the world

So I was sitting w/ my friend the other day, and we were talking about why do ugly women get fine looking dudes. And I came up w/ three theories. I believe that there are three types of girls in the world.
1. The baddest looking girls- these girls are high maintenance who walk all over dudes
2. Then you have your middle girls. Who are.last to get married because their not ugly, they just got too much going on. Too independent.
3. Then you have the mud-ducks they are the down chicks that allow the dude to walk all them. These are the girls you see with the athletes.

So....there you have it... My crazy theory on girls

Monday, November 9, 2009

tell tell signs

So everyday, I find someone or something that makes me laugh. And I realize that we live in a dumb world of people. I am not sure how you don't realize that you date a player. well ladies I am here to give yall some advice. Here are my TELL-TELL SIGNS that you date a player...

1.) he always has his phone on silent
2.) he always has his phone on lock( and he guilt's you into trusting him)
3.) he always calls you pet names: babe, baby, suagrfoot etc... that is so he doesn't get his ladies mixed up
4.)he doesn't let you stay over on the weekends
5.) he always tells you he is busy
6.) every girl is his friend or cousin(priceless)
7.) all the names in his phone are guy names( WOW)
8.)He gets details wrong about things you have told him repeatedly
9.)He never listens to his phone mail messages in front of you
10.) He is unreachable from time to time

all of these signs let you know that you date a player, and If you do have one of these guys, ladies... sock him in the back of the knee cap... no seriouslly leave him alone...he is a dog...

Friday, October 30, 2009

bad break up

So I thought I have heard all the bad breaks up that are out there. I find it amazing what people do in order to get out of a relationship.... why not just tell the person upfront...hello.. well I guess we live in a world where people are not that bright. so I thought I would share what my friend told me the other night about his break up... he has Been seeing this girl for two years they were very serious... like giving each other keys serious. but never mind that. they are older about 30-35years old. she has two teens and he has no kids. she said she was divorced from her husband so they went forward with their relationship. he took her on trips bought her things. HE EVEN TOOK HER TO MEET THE MOM!!!! That is so huge for a guy... the last couple of months she has been kinda shifty and he has been asking her what's wrong do you do not want us to be together and she would say " no I love you"" blah blah blah. he texted her yesterday morning saying " I love you have a great day at work" she texted back and SAID " you cant text me no more I'm working it out w/ my husband" WHAT??? I WOULD Have SOCKED HER IN THE BACK OF THE KNEE CAPS LITERALLY! but not me so... he just took a shower and tried to calm down. he wrote her back and said I want 5 minutes of closure she said no. he said well I need my key back so he went to her house the HUSBAND was there( can't believe it) and the husband was like I don't know what's going on but we have been together for a while now... he just looked at her and walked away...

OI just can't believe someone would do that.. someone who has kids and is older... bu far the worst break up the story I've heard...
two years of love and all he gets is "don't text me no more, I'm working it out w. my husband"

Saturday, October 17, 2009

corny pick up lines

Today while I was at the store, this guy came up to me while i was standing in the check out line, and he said the corniest line to me. so I felt like it my duty to put up all of the corniest lines I ever heard.

1.)If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.

um, no don't.!!!

2.)Do you believe in love at first site, or should I walk past you again?

walk by again.... matter of fact don't walk by me again

3.)Do you have a band-Aid? Cos I just scraped my knee falling for you.

lol this is cute... I might talk to you after this

4.). Do you have a map? Cuz Honey, I just keep gettin lost in your eyes

too corny

5.)If you were a new hamburger at McDonald's, you would be McGorgeous.

lol. thats creative... but no

6.)Are you a surgeon? Cause you’ve just took my heart away

too much

7.)When God made you, he was showing off


8.)Can I borrow a quarter? I promised my mom I would call her when I met the girl of my dreams

this is a classic!!!!!

9.)There's a party in my pants, and you're the only one invited.

EEWWW, gross!!!!

10.)How bout we get a lil peace and quiet around here. You give me a piece, and I'll be quiet.

again that's nasty!!!!

11.)Are you religious? Because I am the answer to all your prayers!

What's with people and using god to pick up people

12.)Your dad must be a drug dealer cuz you're dope!

I personally would not like to be compared to drugs

13.)If I had a rose for every time I thought of you I'd walk through a garden forever.

Super corny, I would laugh and walk away...

14.) your a tall glass of water, and I'm thirsty


15.)You’re so beautiful; your birthday should be a national holiday

That's cute!

16.)Your name must be Lucky Charms because you’re magically delicious

Are we 12 again????

17.)Don’t let me be the one that got away!

Please Go away

18.)I’m a math teacher. One plus two equals me and you.

This sounds kind of perverted.

19.)I’m a raindrop, and I’m fallin’ for you!

Rain messes up hair, so that's why i brought a umbrella

20.)I couldn't pay attention in school (work) today because I couldn't stop thinking about you

that's called failing grades...

Friday, October 16, 2009

the funniest/ worst ways to break up

1. Under the influence
Please people don't call your significant other while you are drunk to tell them that you hate them but you've been to chicken to break up. Then wake up the next day w/a mailbox full of hate messages from your ex.

2.Via text or Emails
OK we are old enough to face our responsibilities like an adult and saying through a text or email that "its over" or "I just can't do this" is so immature come on really....

3. Avoidance
Wishing for a relationship to be over, won't make it over. Avoiding your girl/boy friend won't help either. Deal w/ your feelings head on.

Who breaks up w/someone in public. That's bound for a fight, tears and the cops( if your significant other is ghetto) be discrete about it.

5.middle of date
Why in the world would you take someone out wine and almost dine them to tell them its over. Really, whoever does this needs to be socked in the back of the ankles.

6. Cheating
Enough said for that word...not cool and we all know karma

7.Telling your friend to break up for you
Are we in the second grade??? We need our big and bad friend to do our dirty work???

You decide after you move in or get a puppy, that this relationship isn't for you...hey doofus not bright!!!!!

9.The old cliches
Telling someone that "its not you, its me" its a load of crap. Obviously it is her/him because you don't want to be w/ them anymore and you want someone else.

10. having your new girlfriend break up w/ your current girlfriend
I'm not sure it could get any worst then this... imagine having a girl(who says she is his girlfriend) call you from his phone to tell you "its over he is w/me!!!!"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

getting involved

In class today we watched a movie about children abuse. And it had me thinking how self absorbed we become. Even the most humbling people get lost in their own lives one point in time. I know as even as giving and involved I am. Sometimes I forget to give my blessing to god sometimes. I believe that I am truly blessed, for what I have and what god has allowed me to accomplish. I am the only one out of my family to graduate high school let alone go off to college. I am the only one in my family w/ a house and real job, and not be on any drugs.
Just like many other people my family is super dysfunctional but I know god has placed me in the right place at the right time. And I want everyone to be thankful for what you have because it could be worst. It could of been you who was living under that bridge. Everyday is a blessing and a chance to help make the world better
After seeing that document. Knowing that every 1 out 25 children is being abused. So many kids go to bed hungry. I realized I need to get more involved even if its just praying. There are millions of people in the US that are homeless on drugs, and being abused we need to take action and get involved. All it takes is one person to change the world. I'm in. Are you????

annoying things that shouldnt exist

1.Coffee breath
2 blisters from shoes that cut the back of your ankles
3.Facial hair
4.Mean people
5. Bad fast food service(if u have no personality don't work in customer service)
6. Guys that bark at girls
7. Girls that wear heels on a huge campus( stupid)
8.Stuck up girls
9. Poverty
10. People who talk really loud during class
11. People who wear glasses n the dark) hello its dark. Redundant)
12.Ugly guys who think every girl wants them
13. Corny pick up lines( ex you must be from Tennessee cuz ur the only 10 I c. no not cute)
14. Lipstick( it always ends up on your teeth)
15. Cheater
17. Liver
18. Booty shorts
19. People who make the Prerequisite for some majors
20. Teachers who talk really slow
21. Pregnant women who do drugs and smoke(not cool)
22. Bikes on sidewalks on campus(I'm tired of u people u think u rule the sidewalk)
24.Mean religious people
25.Hotter then satin's toe nails weather.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

mean girls

So while I'm walking to class today, I noticed like three or four girls just give me dirty looks. So I went to the bathroom to see if I had anything on my face. Which I didn't.(Thank goodness) any who I realized that girls are so vicious. Can someone please tell me why girls are so mean??? What is the point of giving dirty looks??? Attention to all my hooker-hoe-heffers I'm tired of you mean girls. Giving other girls dirty looks isn't gonna make them ugly.wackness

who do we idolize?

I was at church on Sunday, and my pastor talked about our idols that we worship. Like our cell phones, TV, computer all the things that keep us away from really loving who we are. Do we spend more time on our phones or computer then we do reading our bible? Do we worship the wrong people because we want to fit in???? Have we truly stopped caring about helping others??? Who do we idolize?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Why in all the world do people wear sunglasses in the dark??? its like people think they look cool....helllllo there is no sun out!!!no need for sunglasses.. people are such retards. we just want to follow trends and we dont realize we look stupid. To everyone who wears sunglasses in a dark place your not too bright(lol get it no light) lol

Monday, October 12, 2009

letting go

How do you let go of someone who was only yours for a moment in time?I find myself thinking of him a lot more then I should. Its my world is somehow intertwined with his. I still can feel his presence he is no where to be found... So tell me how do you let go of something that was never yours to begin with

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I was watching the TV the other day and I realized that everyone is getting married really quickly. Is this a new phenomena or did i not get the memo. Either way I think that people are making a mockery of what marriage is suppose to be... a marriage doesnt at a wedding it starts when the wedding is over, and that seems to be when divorce happens all at the same time... I just dont understand why people marry for all the wrong reasons. people now adays look at marriage like dating. if it doesnt work then we can divorce.... it shouldnt be like that... marriage is based on trust. three strains one for you your spouse and God and that should never break... but somehow it does. why????

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