Wednesday, December 23, 2009

my life

my life has slowed down a whole lot of these past few years, I remember 19 was the year that changed my life forever.. I am one of those girls that never really got to go out my mom was super crazy and didnt allow me to go out. so I started hanging out w/ one of my high school friends. we started going out all the time, and then we started going out to 21 and up clubs. I thought we were so cool. I thought that it was so fun. dancing, talking to guys... but somehow i lost myself in that world... I was no longer the sweet girl everyone knew, and I saw what people were talikg about.. I just wanted to fit in I was tired of being that girl that watches from the side line, I wanted to be on the active roster. So I did. first came the club, then came the boys next thing i knew I became those girls that I hated all my life. God I found myself in a mist of boy problems and I hate boy problems. Now looking back, and see how far I hace come I realized that, life is about growing not trying to fit in these boxes so we can be like everyone else. I know now that I am not the girls that like to be in the clubs, or drink or have many guys around me. I'm just simple me.. I rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I am not.

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