Friday, October 16, 2009

the funniest/ worst ways to break up

1. Under the influence
Please people don't call your significant other while you are drunk to tell them that you hate them but you've been to chicken to break up. Then wake up the next day w/a mailbox full of hate messages from your ex.

2.Via text or Emails
OK we are old enough to face our responsibilities like an adult and saying through a text or email that "its over" or "I just can't do this" is so immature come on really....

3. Avoidance
Wishing for a relationship to be over, won't make it over. Avoiding your girl/boy friend won't help either. Deal w/ your feelings head on.

Who breaks up w/someone in public. That's bound for a fight, tears and the cops( if your significant other is ghetto) be discrete about it.

5.middle of date
Why in the world would you take someone out wine and almost dine them to tell them its over. Really, whoever does this needs to be socked in the back of the ankles.

6. Cheating
Enough said for that word...not cool and we all know karma

7.Telling your friend to break up for you
Are we in the second grade??? We need our big and bad friend to do our dirty work???

You decide after you move in or get a puppy, that this relationship isn't for you...hey doofus not bright!!!!!

9.The old cliches
Telling someone that "its not you, its me" its a load of crap. Obviously it is her/him because you don't want to be w/ them anymore and you want someone else.

10. having your new girlfriend break up w/ your current girlfriend
I'm not sure it could get any worst then this... imagine having a girl(who says she is his girlfriend) call you from his phone to tell you "its over he is w/me!!!!"

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