Monday, November 9, 2009

tell tell signs

So everyday, I find someone or something that makes me laugh. And I realize that we live in a dumb world of people. I am not sure how you don't realize that you date a player. well ladies I am here to give yall some advice. Here are my TELL-TELL SIGNS that you date a player...

1.) he always has his phone on silent
2.) he always has his phone on lock( and he guilt's you into trusting him)
3.) he always calls you pet names: babe, baby, suagrfoot etc... that is so he doesn't get his ladies mixed up
4.)he doesn't let you stay over on the weekends
5.) he always tells you he is busy
6.) every girl is his friend or cousin(priceless)
7.) all the names in his phone are guy names( WOW)
8.)He gets details wrong about things you have told him repeatedly
9.)He never listens to his phone mail messages in front of you
10.) He is unreachable from time to time

all of these signs let you know that you date a player, and If you do have one of these guys, ladies... sock him in the back of the knee cap... no seriouslly leave him alone...he is a dog...

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