Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Finding yourself

Today I was at lunch with a friend of mine. She is a sweet girl, I met her in one of my Social Work classes and we remained friends. We were talking about women and how we all have flaws that we wish we could change. Some of us have it deeper than others. Since she was little she has been over weight and finally she got surgery and became a very small size, you would think that would fix that would of fixed that whole problem but it didnt. She became obbessed about her weight till the point she wouldn't eat. In her mind every time she looked in the mirror she saw the chubby girl in the mirror. I understood where she was coming from because I believe that we all have things that we would like to change about ouselves but sometimes it doesnt affect us from being social or just living life. My hear went out to her because in my heart she was a beautiful girl.
I am having the smae problem with my cousin she is on this HGC diet and she beleives that if she looses all this weight that all the boys will want her and she will turn into this beautiful woman that gets all the guys. She tells me that I would never understand where she is coming from because I have always had it all. Funny thing though what I learned was you never know what someone is going through or what they feel about themselves. I know what people see about me may not be what I see in myself I beleive we are all human and struggle with things that are internal. I know that a diet, loosing weight, changing your hair color, new clothes can't change what is lurking inside of you.SO.... To everyone that is lost and confused and feels alone there is someone out here that knows how it feels. I write because it is the only way I can express who I am. people think I am the highlight of everything but yet somehow I feel like Im dying inside. I realzie no matter how many things you change materaly it won't change the way you think about yourself, we need to learn to love all of our flaws and try to beat the battles that are holding us down so we can be a better person for ourselves... And help others who have the same problem.

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