Monday, June 14, 2010

Window of Opportunity

This is how it starts there is a really cute Pharmacist at Walgreen's. I didn't know till I went there he stop me dead in my tracks and I thought; "hmmmm, I haven't seen a pretty dude in awhile!!!" So he asked how i was doing, and I like to think I'm super cool, and I was like oh, yeah I'm good. Any who, so I went to tell my friends that there is a cute guy so they all went to check it out. He is a solid 8.5 that's pretty high. That's looks alone. sidenote, never bring your friends to see a cute dude they always do something embarrassing. My friend stalked him to see what kind of car he drove and found out that he had a car seat in the back of his car I said he has a girlfriend or married...Leave him alone....Any who I had to go back there a week later he remembered my name and was helping me pick out some cough drops(I was getting sick)and my friend was with me, she said he was really flirting and I disagreed I think he was just helping me. He did say something that I could take as flirting. I said if this stuff doesn't work I'll be back, he said that's fine I;ll be here.... HMMMMM, I thought I need to walk away because I feel like he is TAKEN.!!!! So over the weekend I caught the flu my friend was going into Walgreen's for something I can't remember... So she texts me and says DR.Mchotti(that's what I called him) is here.. I thought oh no, she is going to do something so dumb. he asked how I was doing and she told him pretty bad, and he was asking her all these personal questions about me... She told him if I was better I would of brought him cookies. He said" I wish she would of" So my friend thought great your single... so she asks him if he has a girlfriend... DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID????? YUP, I was right he does.
So this long story leads me to my conclusion... do you think it is true that when women say they are taken they lock that door behind them and never look back while men shut the door, but leave a crack in the window?
In this story it seemed like it... 1st in foremost you cant accept cookies from a young hot girl, Not cool. Nor tell her I'll be here. Who knows if he cheats but if he does he is no longer DR. Mchotti, He is Dr. Sir Cheats-alot....

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