Saturday, October 30, 2010


OK, I don't know if anyone has this problem but its been happening to me a lot lately. Guys no longer want a 10. when did this take place? when did we stop shooting for the stars and settling for a cheap version of what a star could look like. I never understood why people would just want to date someone who was below their own standards. I was talking with one of my guy friends and he said that he knows that his girl isn't the prettiest but she is average and doesn't ask for too much, and he likes that. He said pretty girls just want too much and that I cant give and usually they are mean. Then I started hearing it from all of my guy friends and then I started watching guys in the club it was almost like they have given up on that dream girl because she doesn't exist and settles for reality girl. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing.
I was out last night and this guy came up to me and said I'm not gonna hit on you, I'm just gonna tell you your beautiful and walk away I asked why? he said pretty girls know their pretty and usually will reject you if you don't fit their standards. "they have high self esteem" and "I just take what I can get from these average girls out here" the world has lost its mind....
WE SHOULD NEVER NEVER SETTLE for second or third best. yes, some pretty girls are mean and some do have high self- esteem but really what's wrong with loving yourself fully and knowing your own worth. I believe that if you think like this then you deserve below your standards. But for me I know you can be pretty, smart, funny and down to earth... there are still girls like that out there, and good guys too. But anything worth having is worth fighting for.

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