Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cool Kids

You remember the Kids in your high school that were so cool. they had everything going for them. Remember those kids? I do. I had so many kids in my school that were so cool and everyone wanted to be them I can't say I wasn't cool but I can say I was very shy and I didn't talk to anyone. I just played ball and went home. I never went to a party or got drunk. I guess it wasn't my style. Anywho, I find it funny that all of the people that were so cool in high school are not doing anything with themselves. I use to think they had it so good and all my hard work was for nothing but I realized that It was ok for me not to be the cool kids who did everything. I saw SO of the cool kids that went to my high school yesterday and they weren't soo much anymore... I guess life has a funny way of turning out

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