Monday, December 28, 2009

trapping a guy

I was listening to my friends and we all know how girls are. when we see something that we want we get it, and when "think" we have found that right one... well he is the right one b/c he has his own everything and security is important to us females... but nonetheless, that is not the point. the point is that we will do anything to trap a man into either moving into the next part of the relationship or we will try to trap him into marrying us, either way, those plans are set up to fail... we shouldn't have to trap someone or strike fear in them to be w/ us... Ladies that is dumb and childish we need to get to a point where we trust ourselves and we know who we are and if that man doesn't want you then that is his lost we need to stay this pity party for ourselves, and then we get mad when the marriage fails... Hello, its your fault. allow stuff to happen naturally don't force it.


This last week all of my friends, and people at church have been talking about New Years Resolutions, and to be honest I am one of those people that do not believe in them.. Why you ask, well think about everyone who makes them somehow finds themselves unhappy, or just stop doing what they said they would do for the new year. Saying your gonna loose weight in the new year is dumb... for one we should always try to stay healthy we don't need a reason to amp us up for it. Or saying I'm quiting drinking in the new years, what happens when your at a party and cant drink... Or my favorite I swear No more guys I'm laying off of them... and then you meet the sexiest Guy one the planet but you cant talk to him b/c you made up a stupid rule... So here is My thing, everyday I plan to work on loving me more and I know there are going to be days where I fall of the band wagon and somehow I will get back up. I will have more fun, and on the days I don't I will think of the days that I did. I will eat better and for the days that I cheat.. heck I will enjoy that piece of cake and pizza to the fullest.. we Only live once... I will learn to allow myself to want a relationship and if he doesn't come around well... then I can think of this time as a time of growth... I don't drink so that wont be an issue...Lol BUT we need to stop putting so much pressure on us being perfect and try being perfect in our own imperfections. And if you want something don't wait till the new year to do it make you your motivation and do it anytime.. whether it is right now or six months from now... lastly, remember what you want also wants you...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

my life

my life has slowed down a whole lot of these past few years, I remember 19 was the year that changed my life forever.. I am one of those girls that never really got to go out my mom was super crazy and didnt allow me to go out. so I started hanging out w/ one of my high school friends. we started going out all the time, and then we started going out to 21 and up clubs. I thought we were so cool. I thought that it was so fun. dancing, talking to guys... but somehow i lost myself in that world... I was no longer the sweet girl everyone knew, and I saw what people were talikg about.. I just wanted to fit in I was tired of being that girl that watches from the side line, I wanted to be on the active roster. So I did. first came the club, then came the boys next thing i knew I became those girls that I hated all my life. God I found myself in a mist of boy problems and I hate boy problems. Now looking back, and see how far I hace come I realized that, life is about growing not trying to fit in these boxes so we can be like everyone else. I know now that I am not the girls that like to be in the clubs, or drink or have many guys around me. I'm just simple me.. I rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I am not.

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