Monday, May 10, 2010

pretty girls

I was thinking about a concept yesterday while I was watching this mud duck(not so pretty person) talking. She was telling her friends that pretty girls have it easier in the world, that everything is handed to them, all their relationships are perfect, and we never have to go through anything bad. At first I thought she was right I could see why she thinks pretty girls have it easy, but on the other hand I think she was so wrong. Being on the pretty side I think that it is harder. For me when people see me they automatically judge me. they I'm stuck up, conceded, dumb you name it, and to be honest I am none of those things I am the most down to earth person, I am no stuck up or conceded, I am humble and I know here I came from. I think being a pretty girl is harder because people sometimes get stuck on the beaut part of who we are and not who we are on the inside. everytime I go out I get wow your sexy, never hey I love your personality and I know what your thinking looks is what people notice first I get that but sometimes that is all people care for and that gets very tiring. My butt has a fan club of its own so many people just stair at it ask me if its real what do I eat, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Pretty girls are never trusted, guys who try to talk to me think I have tons of guys I talk to everyday or that I have a man on the side and to be honest I dont... I think being pretty is hard because people never get pass your looks and see the real you.. Sometimes I wish people could really get to know the real lil foot and who she is, and not stop at what I look like and when or how can I sleep with her... SO to all my MUD DUCKS who want to be a pretty girl it is not what it is cracked up to be... we get hurt too, people dont look pass our looks, we get judged all the time, people critizes us all the time, and somehow we end up alone because we just have way too much bagagge so coming from a pretty girl I think having a great personality will get you father in life than just being another pretty girl.

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