Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Holding for a moment

have you ever held on to someone because you were afraid to be alone or maybe because in some way you hoped that they would get it right for you. To be honest, why would you want them to get it right for you when they are meant to get it right for someone else? how can we ask for something in someone so sacred  that we are willing to be their own happiness? it is funny, we hear people all the time say I am not ready to give up on them. is it that we are not ready to give on them because we see something in them, or are we afraid that if we give up them we are left with nothing? is it really about them or is it a selfish purpose that we continue to hold on to these people and block them from their growth? is that really unconditional love or we practicing conditional love for self because we believe if we hold on to them we can make them see what we see. but do we really even see reality? Are we really seeing what's in front of us or are we only seeing what could be? Someone once said that if you love something that you should let it go... what if love was the one thing that you ever wanted? I've realized it doesn't matter what you want if you desire is in it you gotta let it go and give it to god and allow him to bring it back if it was meant for you.


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